Nebraska Rural Public Transportation Driver Training Requirements

Effective January 1, 2014, driver training requirements are applicable to all 5311 sub-recipients receiving federal and state operating assistance for public transit systems in Nebraska. The minimum training as described below is required of all drivers operating a public transit vehicle (full-time, part-time, substitute, volunteer, etc). Failure to comply with the training requirements will jeopardize future funding.

The curriculum has been developed by the Nebraska Safety Center to meet the required training as proposed by the Nebraska Department of Transportation and currently required by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Training will be facilitated by NSC and offered at various locations and dates across the state. The training includes core curriculum elements, core curriculum refreshers, and elective courses.

Links to course descriptions and enrollment forms can be found here and on the Nebraska Association of Transit Providers website. The courses are sponsored by NDOT and offered at no charge to transit systems. Allowable travel expenses and driver time to attend (straight-time only) will be reimbursed by NDOT through the Rural Transit Assistance Program.

NSC will maintain a current list of drivers and training records.

The transit systems will be responsible for the following:

  1. Updating and adding drivers through the online dashboard system.
  2. Ensuring that drivers are registered for the appropriate courses within the time frame allowable.
  3. Submitting expense reimbursement requests to NDOT for allowable travel expenses and driver time to attend required training (straight-time only).

Driver Training Curriculum

Core curriculum courses (8 hours each):
  1. *Defensive Driving
  2. PASS (Passenger Service and Safety)

Continuing Education/Elective and Refresher Courses (2 hours each):
  1. CPR/First Aid
  2. Defensive Driving and Emergency Procedures
  3. Advanced Mobility Device Securement Skills
  4. Distracted Driving
  5. Emergency & Evacuation Procedures
  6. Dealing with Difficult Passengers
  7. Safe Kids Buckle Up (Fulfills the NDHHS requirement for transporting children)
  8. Other curriculum to be developed

Driver Training Requirements

All Drivers
  • *Defensive Driving and PASS core curriculum courses completed within 2 months of hire.
  • Following completion of core courses, 4 hours of continuing education required annually.
  • Drivers must attend at least one in-person elective or refresher course per year. The remaining 2 hours of training may be completed either in-person or through online training.

Updated June 2024

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