In 2023 the state's organization into six regions was updated.
Project Goal
Conduct the Grand Island intercity bus operational analysis, identify park and ride locations, determine sustainability, and develop a marketing plan. Deliver a plan to NDOT and the communities with these elements.
Project Description
The local project team will review previous studies completed for the tri-city area, in addition to current travel patterns among Grand Island, Kearney, and Hastings. A Technical Committee will be developed and assist in developing realistic goals and objectives for the service, for both the short-term and long-term. They will review and discuss project needs, gaps, and strategies for proposed transit routes between the three cities. The local project team will conduct multiple stakeholder interviews to ensure input from each of the communities is considered for the final transit routes.
The FTA 5311 (f) policies and regulations will be thoroughly reviewed to understand and maximize funding resources for the future transit service. The local project team will provide community overview, including socioeconomic and demographic data, major activity centers, travel flow and patterns, and an inventory of existing services and providers. Service alternatives will be developed, which include route alternatives, service characteristics, operating and capital costs. The advantages and disadvantages for each option will be compared, with a recommended preferred alternative.
Project Updates
Prior Public Meetings
Public Input Round One
Public Input Round Two
Project Goal
Conduct a feasibility study to deliver a future Lincoln to Omaha intercity bus route based on the Colorado Bustang model. Determine investment needed to launch similar service including capital investment and long-term sustainability.
Project Description
The local project team will review previous studies completed for transit options between Lincoln and Omaha. A Technical Committee will be developed and assist in developing realistic goals and objectives for the service, for both the short-term and long-term. The local team will review and discuss project needs, gaps, and strategies for proposed transit routes between the two cities. The local project team will conduct multiple stakeholder interviews to ensure input from Omaha, Lincoln, and the smaller communities is considered for the final transit routes.
The FTA 5311 (f) policies and regulations will be thoroughly reviewed to understand and maximize funding resources for the future transit service. The local project team will provide community overview, including socioeconomic and demographic data, major activity centers, travel flow and patterns, and an inventory of existing services and providers. Service alternatives will be developed, which include route alternatives, service characteristics, operating and capital costs. The advantages and disadvantages for each option will be compared, with a recommended preferred alternative.
Project Updates
Prior Public Meetings
Public Input Round One
Public Input Round Two
Public Input Round Three
Project Goal
Initiate and complete the Norfolk flexroute service feasibility study.
Project Description
Should the community support the decision to move forward with a flexible route service, a follow-up report with the next steps of work will be completed, including a bus stop assessment, environmental approval, marketing, public involvement, and plans for operations, capital, staffing, marketing, and assist in implementation of service roll out.
Previous strategies identified for the Norfolk Public Transportation will be revisited and updated, as needed to reflect today’s community vision for transit. A Technical Committee will be developed and will assist in developing realistic goals and objectives for transit in Norfolk, for both the short-term and long-term. The project team will complete site visits at the two existing agencies in Norfolk – the Ponca Express and the Norfolk Public Transportation.
The local team will review and discuss project needs, gaps, and strategies for enhanced public transportation within the city of Norfolk. Different types of service will be reviewed, and the Technical Committee will ultimately decide the best transit service for Norfolk. The local project team will conduct multiple stakeholder interviews to ensure input from the community, residents, visitors, elected officials, etc. is included in the analysis.
Project Updates
Project Goals
Project Description
The local project team will review Mobility Management Phase 2 completed tasks for Northeast Region. In addition, regional committee members will discuss transportation gaps, needs, and strategies to increase coordination. Follow-up meetings with agency partners will include discussions of realistic steps for implementing projects to meet regional needs. Quarterly Regional Coordinating Committee meetings will be held in the region to facilitate partnerships and planning.
Project Updates
Committee Meetings
2019 Quarter 3 Meeting - Thursday, August 8, 2019
2019 Quarter 4 Meeting - Thursday, December 12, 2019
2020 Quarter 1 Meeting - Tuesday, March 17, 2020
2020 Quarter 2 Meeting - Thursday, July 23, 2020
Project Goals
Project Description
Statewide Mobility Manager William (Bill) Bivin leads and assists with mobility management projects across the state. The Mobility Manager will review strategies from each region, update as appropriate, and make a plan for implementation that works for each region.
Project Updates
September 2022 — Nebraska continues its work to enable and provide public transit agencies with the digital tools increasingly necessary for managing public transit. Nebraska now has 22 rural agencies using scheduling and dispatching software. This provides both immediate and long-term efficiencies in public transit and enables future statewide trip planning. Some of the current projects and activities include the following:
February 2021 — Over the past year, the Mobility Manager has been a huge resource for agencies and those in need of transit. With the backing of the NDOT, the Mobility Manager helped implement software for 16 agencies. Additionally, the Manager has become increasingly involved with groups and organizations at both the state and regional level including:
Project Goals
Project Description
The local project team will review technology projects from Phase 2 and build from efforts completed to meet the Transit Division technology vision and goals. An inventory of existing software/hardware for each of the transit agencies across the state will be completed through survey development and follow-up with each of the agencies.
An RFQ will be developed to support future transit agency scheduling and dispatch software with assistance from NDOT. Monthly project team conference calls will occur focusing on the technology needs for the NDOT and the agencies. Assistance will be provided to the NDOT for responses to agency and vendor inquiries.
Project Updates
View Future Projects, Completed Projects, or return to the Mobility Management home page.
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