NATP Member Spotlight: Tammy Bradley-Larsen, Florence Home

January 5, 2024

Tammy Bradley-Larsen, transportation coordinator, Florence Home

Tell us a little of your transit system’s background and history. How did the system start and where is it today?

Transportation for our older adult residents has always been a very important benefit at Florence Home. Many times, our seniors do not drive, but have varying medical appointments that we transport them to. Additionally, field trips offer much needed outdoor experiences for our residents and we are happy to oblige.

Florence Home started in 1906 by Reverand Charles Savidge and presumably, he personally transported the first residents in his own vehicles. Today, we have two multi-passenger vans, two minivans, and company vehicles that are consistently transporting our residents to take care of their daily needs.

How long have you served as the manager?

13 years

How does your transit system serve the local community?

We transport residents to medical appointments, personal errands, family visits, weddings, funerals, and all transports in between. We assist our activities department with transporting to events in the community. We take our residents on a holiday light tour each year! (We even provide the hot cocoa!)

What are some highlights of serving your community?

From helping the residents move home after their rehabilitation stay to transporting a resident to visit a loved one in a hospital, there are several inspiring highlights working in resident transportation. One of my favorites is taking our residents to see their childhood homes, or just taking them for a ride.

What are some challenges you see facing both your transit system and the industry as a whole?

The greatest challenge everywhere is the current trend in being able to fully staff all positions. This creates some challenges in our transit system. Our ability to forecast and provide reliable, timely, and professional transportation shows our dedication to our residents.

There are staffing challenges at the doctor’s offices, hospitals, and clinics we visit every day. This translates into longer wait times for our residents and can make older adults have to wait longer in wheelchairs and in turn, take longer to return to our home.

How does being a member of the Nebraska Association of Transportation Providers benefit your system?

Being a member of NATP allows me to network with other transportation providers, vendors, and management training opportunities. It allows our system to stay on top of all the changing rules in regards to grant funding, vehicle audits, driver training requirements, federal transit laws, and have a voice on legislative day.

What do your riders think of your transit system?

Safety conscientious, cheerful, caring and FUN!


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