April 7, 2023
Legislative Resolution 51 was introduced and passed in the first session of the 108th Nebraska Legislature. Introduced by Senators Brian Hardin, District 48, Steve Erdman, District 47, and Mike Jacobson, District 42, the bill addresses the growing need of community transportation in the panhandle region of Nebraska.
Under the leadership of Christy Warner, Kimball County Transit Service (KCTS) has expanded exponentially to meet the needs of the community. In just five years, KCTS has grown from 7,000 annual rides to nearly 30,000 annual rides, totaling 96,905 boardings and covering 1,213,806 miles over those five years.
KCTS has the fifth largest transit service area in Nebraska including the counties of Kimball, Banner, Scotts Bluff, Cheyenne, Deuel, Keith, Morrill, and Lincoln. They also offer interstate travel to Cheyenne and Pine Bluffs, Wyoming, and Fort Collins, Loveland, and Denver, Colorado.
KCTS and its drivers have received both state and national recognition. In 2022, KCTS was the first Nebraska transit service to be invited to have a representative speak at the annual American Planning Association National Planning Conference. KCTS was also awarded the 2018 Award of Excellence and the 2021 Connecting Rural Communities Award by the Federal Transit Administration.
View the full resolution and learn more about KCTS.
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